Our unwavering focus is on exploring and advancing premium-grade battery metals deposits that will drive the transition towards a sustainable future. In our portfolio lies the Volt Canyon Lithium project, which holds a pivotal role, as Lithium forms a critical element in the creation of electric vehicle batteries and energy storage systems.
Grid Battery Metals has staked 80 placer claims covering approximately 635 hectares of alluvial sediments. Located in Monitor Valley, Nevada, approximately 122 km north-northeast of Tonopah, Nevada is the Volt Canyon Lithium Property.
This property features sediment-hosted lithium clay targets and has excellent accessibility, enabling exploration and exploitation throughout the year. Although limited exploration has been conducted, surface samples from the region’s NURE data revealed up to 108 ppm Li near the claim block.
The deposit’s origin is thought to be similar to Clayton Valley clay deposits, located about 180 km to the south. The USGS preliminary deposit model characterizes both areas as light-colored, ash-rich, lacustrine rocks containing swelling clays.
Ranked the number 1 best mining jurisdiction in the world in 2022 by the Fraser Institute, Nevada is ideally suited to supply domestic and Asian markets.